Security tokens a costly issue
alt="Security Manual" vspace=3 align=right
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longDesc="Security Manual Template - Sarbanes-Oxley" height=110>When it
comes to IT security, it is easy to simply stick with what you know. However,
the threat landscape and the needs of your users are rapidly changing, and
technology must evolve even more quickly to stay ahead of them. This paper
addresses five critical factors all IT buyers should consider before renewing or
extending their security token implementation and presents phone-based
authentication as not only a more secure, but also a cost-effective and user
friendly alternative.
Don’t make a vital mistake by overpaying for outdated authentication
technology. With all of the new legislations, there are more security
requirements that need to be met. Requirements like Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA,
PCI-DSS, and ITIL, are primary concerns of CIOs as executive management is
depending on IT to have the right security policies and procedures in place.
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