Capgemini has been certified by SAP AG as a provider of solution implementation based on the Run SAP methodology. Capgemini will incorporate the methodology into its implementation standards.

Run SAP is a phased methodology based on world-class knowledge. It is designed to provide best-practice procedures, content, services, training and tools for end-to-end solution operations, along with a standardized and proven implementation method. The Run SAP methodology focuses on application management, business process operations, and administration of SAP solutions. The methodology describes how support should be implemented across the lifecycle design, set-up, operations and optimization. In addition, with its best-practice documents for solution operations, it describes how to implement end-to-end solution operations for different SAP software-based business processes.

Capgemini also has been certified by SAP AG as a global provider of application management services after recent audits in North America, India and Spain. The certification reinforces Capgemini’s new service line, Application Lifecycle Management, which the Group recently launched to help clients manage the entire lifecycle of applications from development to maintenance, including testing, implementation and optimization.

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