Threat - Risk Assessment src="" align=right>Tools for
the CIO and IT Managers to better manage security exposure

Recent hacks have place a new emphsis on security risk factors. C-Level
executives want to know what risks they face. Many are asking for Risk
Scores.  The issue is that existing KPI metrics do not help to address
security risk in  a way that is meaningful.

alt="Risk Score" src=""
width=406 align=middle height=331>

The constant stream of high profile breaches and the resulting class action
lawsuits, negative PR, loss in share price, cybersecurity insurance pay-out
refusals, and even termination of liable executives has made this an urgent

title="Threat Vulnerability Assessment" class="two scalable"
alt="Threat Vulnerability Assessment"
src=""> title="Download Selected Pages" class="two scalable"
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