HelloSign moves into digital workflow with new HelloWorks product
HelloSign, founded in 2011, has been best known to this point as an e-signature company, but today it announced something a bit more substantial, a new product called HelloWorks, which allows the company to move into workflow, digitizing processes that involve complex forms. For many years now, HelloSign CEO Joseph Walla said, the way we moved paper processes into the digital realm was… Read More
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Share API - Developer Tools - Shareaholic Use the Web Share API to share content to 200+ supported destinations.
100% free to use, reliable, fast. Used by millions every day.
Get More Traffic
Enable your visitors to share articles, comments, purchases or other activities from your site to their friends on multiple social networks. You've already got customers that love your product or service. Profit from helping them tell the world about it. The Share API is free to use, and helps you grow your bottom line and traffic without growing your marketing budget.
Share API Documentation
Shareaholic provides social APIs to connect your site or application to each of the major social networks for sharing. If you can’t use the Shareaholic JavaScript SDK, you can link to these API endpoints directly. With these APIs you can customize the social sharing experience for your users to match the look and feel of your site or application.
Designed for Ease
All API methods are accessible via simple HTTP calls. We have optimized for ease of implementation, so you won’t see anything complicated. Most implementations of this API take less than 15 minutes to setup. Simply hit the provided URLs with their respective parameters, and you're done.
Getting Started: Authentication
All API endpoints require authentication credentials to be supplied as query arguments. To get started, you'll need a free Shareaholic user account and Site ID. Signup for an account and then add your site to get your Site ID. The Site ID is your API Key.
Note: the apikey used in this document is intended for use as an example only.
Share Content with over 200+ (and growing!) Destination Services
Let your users share content from any website, desktop app, mobile app, etc to any supported destination service.
Parameter Description Required Example v
API Version Required v=1 apitype
API Type Required apitype=1 (1=Redirect, 2=Pingback, 3=1x1 pixel) apikey
API Key Required apikey=8943b7fd64cd8b1770ff5affa9a9437b service
Destination Service Required service=7 (lookup codes) link
Link Required link=http://www.yoursite.com title
Page Title Optional title=My%20Awesome%20Webpage notes
Notes Optional notes=I%20love%20this! short_link
Shortened Link Optional short_link=http://bit.ly/1OTIqm shortener
URL Shortener Optional shortener=shrlc (tinyurl|bitly|jmp|google|shrlc|none) shortener_key
URL Shortener Credentials Optional shortener_key=shareaholic|R_83932e4c5d02d1f94aea0f40fbc557ec template
Template Optional template=Reading: ${title} tags
Tags Optional tags=programming,python,howto source
Source Optional source=shareaholic Working Example (posting a link to Facebook):
<a href="https://www.shareaholic.com/api/share/?v=1&apitype=1&apikey=8943b7fd64cd8b1770ff5affa9a9437b&service=5&title=The%20Hottest%20VC%20No%20One%20Has%20Ever%20Heard%20Of&link=http://www.robgo.org/post/376467064/the-hottest-vc-no-one-has-ever-heard-of&shortener=google&source=Shareaholic" target="_blank">Post to Facebook</a>
Give it a try: Post to Facebook
, andnotes
parameters should be URL-encoded, plain text, no HTML, UTF-8. You can not include a parameter value in the request that has '&', '?', '#', ' ', or other reserved parameters without first encoding it.- Parameters should not contain spaces: any parameter with spaces will be rejected. All spaces should be either percent encoded (%20) or plus encoded (+). Note that tabs, newlines and trailing spaces are all indications of errors. Please remember to strip leading and trailing whitespace from any user input before posting.
- Parameters must have a slash between the domain and the path component. For example, http://example.com?query=parameter is invalid, and instead should be formatted as http://example.com/?query=parameter
parameter value should be a complete URL and not a shortened link (like a bit.ly short link). You should always pass shortened links (ex. you may want to do this for Twitter) through theshort_link
Link Tracking & URL Shorteners
Shareaholic can automatically shorten the
for you using a supported shortening service that you specify....&shortener=google...
We currently support the following shorteners/parameter values:
Shortener Description google tinyurl bitly jmp shrlc Default none Do not shorten link You can further customize this option with your own bit.ly or j.mp account if you'd like by passing the
parameter. If you pass this, the API will use your key to shorten the link....&shortener=bitly&shortener_key=shareaholic|R_83932e4c5d02d1f94aea0f40fbc557ec&...
format: username|apikey (i.e. delimited by "|"). For su.pr, you just need to pass your apikey.Note that this setting will only shorten links for services where it is appropriate (i.e. sharing to Twitter, but not bookmarking in Google Bookmarks or Delicious).
Templates i.e. customize your Tweets
By specifying the
API parameter, you can customize the default post format for services that support templates. Specifying atemplate
is completely optional. The following services currently support templates:The Share API supports a few different tokens in a template — you can use all, some, or none of them:
Template Token Description ${title} Title of the page ${link} Link to the page ${short_link} Short link that you pass to the Share API ${notes} Any text; usually a very short summary of the link or user selected text Sample
for Twitter:...&template=Reading: ${title} (${short_link}) via @Shareaholic %23api %23devtools&...
Give it a try: Tweet this!
Tags (describe your content)
Use the optional
API parameter to further describe the content/URL being shared. Amongst many other benefits, you will get back more useful analytics tracking reports as a result.tags
takes a set of comma-separated values (CSV) with no trailing comma. Commas inside tag values MUST be URL encoded (as %2C) and commas separating tags MUST NOT be encoded. For example, the tags "python", "conference" and "Boston, MA" should be passed as:...&tags=python,conference,boston%2Cma&...
You can pass in as many tags as you'd like, but we've found 3-5 to be most optimal.
Destination Service Codes
Popular Services:
Service Service Code ID Facebook 5 Twitter 7 Pinterest 309 LinkedIn 88 Google Bookmarks 74 Google Mail 52 PrintFriendly 236 Yahoo! Mail 54 All Services:
Service Service Code ID AIM 50 Allvoices 63 Amazon (CA) Wish List 271 Amazon (DE) Wish List 272 Amazon (FR) Wish List 273 Amazon (JP) Wish List 274 Amazon (UK) Wish List 270 Amazon (US) Wish List 200 AOL Mail 55 Arto 194 Ask.com MyStuff 91 AttentionMeter 221 Backflip 97 Balatarin 241 Bebo 196 BibSonomy 25 Bit.ly 208 Bitty Browser 108 Blinklist 48 Blogger Post 219 BlogMarks 27 BobrDobr 266 Bookmarks.fr 35 Box.net 240 BuddyMarks 90 Buzzster 1 Care2 News 104 CiteULike 13 Clicky.me 248 Connotea 96 Current 80 DailyMe 237 Delicious 2 Design Float 106 Digg 3 Digg Bar 224 Diglog 72 diHITT 244 Diigo 24 Dwellicious 251 DZone 102 Email This 313 Evernote 191 Expression 186 Facebook 5 Fark 62 Faves 49 Favoriten 242 Feedmarker Bookmarks 69 Folkd 197 Followup.cc 235 FriendFeed 43 FunP 17 Furl 11 Gabbr 183 Global Grind 89 Google Apps Mail 260 Google Bookmarks 74 Google Mail 52 Google Plus +1 304 Google Sidewiki 275 Google Translate 252 Google Wave 262 Gravee 95 Hatena 246 HelloTxt 81 Hemidemi 16 HootSuite 261 Hotmail 53 Hub.tm 234 Hugg 71 Hyves 105 Identi.ca 205 Imera Brazil 65 Instapaper 18 Is.gd 228 iZeby 263 j.mp 249 Jamespot 64 Jumptags 14 Khabbr 31 Kledy 30 LinkaGoGo 67 Linkatopia 85 LinkedIn 88 LiveJournal 79 Ma.gnolia 23 Mail 201 Maple 93 Memori.ru 269 Mename 33 MindBodyGreen 68 Mister-Wong 6 Mixx 4 Moemesto 268 Mozillaca 231 MSDN 184 Multiply 42 MyLinkVault 98 MySpace 39 Netlog 8 Netvibes Share 195 Netvouz 21 NewsTrust 199 NewsVine 41 Ning 264 NowPublic 75 NUjij 238 Oknotizie 243 Oneview 84 Orkut 247 PhoneFavs 19 Pinboard.in 256 Ping 45 Pinterest 309 Plaxo Pulse 44 Plurk 218 Posterous 210 PrintFriendly 236 Propeller 77 Protopage Bookmarks 47 Pusha 59 Read It Later 239 ReadWriteWeb 250 Reddit 40 Segnalo 58 Shoutwire 12 Simpy 86 SiteJot 99 Slashdot 61 SmakNews 206 Soup.io 217 Sphere 107 Sphinn 100 SpringPad 265 Spurl 82 Squidoo 46 StartAid 29 Strands 190 Streakr 215 StumbleUpon 38 Stumpedia 192 Su.pr 232 Svejo 245 Symbaloo Feeds 103 Taggly 26 Tagza 187 Tailrank 28 Techmeme 204 TechNet 185 Technorati Favorites 10 Technotizie 36 TinyURL 223 Tipd 188 Tr.im 214 Truemors 203 Tumblr 78 Tweetie 226 Twiddla 66 Twine 216 Twitter 7 TypePad Post 220 unalog 70 Viadeo 92 VodPod 198 Webnews 57 Windows Live Favorites 37 Windows Live Spaces 15 Wink 22 Wists 94 WordPress 230 Xerpi 20 Yahoo Bookmarks 76 Yahoo Buzz 73 Yahoo Buzz India 254 Yahoo Messenger 87 Yahoo! Mail 54 Yammer 253 Yample 83 Yandex 267 YC Hacker News 202 YiGG 56 Yoolink 34 YouMob 60 Feedback
If you believe you have found a bug, or you’d like to request additional functionality, or you release something using this API, we’d love to hear from you.
Share API - Developer Tools - Shareaholic Use the Web Share API to share content to 200+ supported destinations.
100% free to use, reliable, fast. Used by millions every day.
Get More Traffic
Enable your visitors to share articles, comments, purchases or other activities from your site to their friends on multiple social networks. You've already got customers that love your product or service. Profit from helping them tell the world about it. The Share API is free to use, and helps you grow your bottom line and traffic without growing your marketing budget.
Share API Documentation
Shareaholic provides social APIs to connect your site or application to each of the major social networks for sharing. If you can’t use the Shareaholic JavaScript SDK, you can link to these API endpoints directly. With these APIs you can customize the social sharing experience for your users to match the look and feel of your site or application.
Designed for Ease
All API methods are accessible via simple HTTP calls. We have optimized for ease of implementation, so you won’t see anything complicated. Most implementations of this API take less than 15 minutes to setup. Simply hit the provided URLs with their respective parameters, and you're done.
Getting Started: Authentication
All API endpoints require authentication credentials to be supplied as query arguments. To get started, you'll need a free Shareaholic user account and Site ID. Signup for an account and then add your site to get your Site ID. The Site ID is your API Key.
Note: the apikey used in this document is intended for use as an example only.
Share Content with over 200+ (and growing!) Destination Services
Let your users share content from any website, desktop app, mobile app, etc to any supported destination service.
Parameter Description Required Example v
API Version Required v=1 apitype
API Type Required apitype=1 (1=Redirect, 2=Pingback, 3=1x1 pixel) apikey
API Key Required apikey=8943b7fd64cd8b1770ff5affa9a9437b service
Destination Service Required service=7 (lookup codes) link
Link Required link=http://www.yoursite.com title
Page Title Optional title=My%20Awesome%20Webpage notes
Notes Optional notes=I%20love%20this! short_link
Shortened Link Optional short_link=http://bit.ly/1OTIqm shortener
URL Shortener Optional shortener=shrlc (tinyurl|bitly|jmp|google|shrlc|none) shortener_key
URL Shortener Credentials Optional shortener_key=shareaholic|R_83932e4c5d02d1f94aea0f40fbc557ec template
Template Optional template=Reading: ${title} tags
Tags Optional tags=programming,python,howto source
Source Optional source=shareaholic Working Example (posting a link to Facebook):
<a href="https://www.shareaholic.com/api/share/?v=1&apitype=1&apikey=8943b7fd64cd8b1770ff5affa9a9437b&service=5&title=The%20Hottest%20VC%20No%20One%20Has%20Ever%20Heard%20Of&link=http://www.robgo.org/post/376467064/the-hottest-vc-no-one-has-ever-heard-of&shortener=google&source=Shareaholic" target="_blank">Post to Facebook</a>
Give it a try: Post to Facebook
, andnotes
parameters should be URL-encoded, plain text, no HTML, UTF-8. You can not include a parameter value in the request that has '&', '?', '#', ' ', or other reserved parameters without first encoding it.- Parameters should not contain spaces: any parameter with spaces will be rejected. All spaces should be either percent encoded (%20) or plus encoded (+). Note that tabs, newlines and trailing spaces are all indications of errors. Please remember to strip leading and trailing whitespace from any user input before posting.
- Parameters must have a slash between the domain and the path component. For example, http://example.com?query=parameter is invalid, and instead should be formatted as http://example.com/?query=parameter
parameter value should be a complete URL and not a shortened link (like a bit.ly short link). You should always pass shortened links (ex. you may want to do this for Twitter) through theshort_link
Link Tracking & URL Shorteners
Shareaholic can automatically shorten the
for you using a supported shortening service that you specify....&shortener=google...
We currently support the following shorteners/parameter values:
Shortener Description google tinyurl bitly jmp shrlc Default none Do not shorten link You can further customize this option with your own bit.ly or j.mp account if you'd like by passing the
parameter. If you pass this, the API will use your key to shorten the link....&shortener=bitly&shortener_key=shareaholic|R_83932e4c5d02d1f94aea0f40fbc557ec&...
format: username|apikey (i.e. delimited by "|"). For su.pr, you just need to pass your apikey.Note that this setting will only shorten links for services where it is appropriate (i.e. sharing to Twitter, but not bookmarking in Google Bookmarks or Delicious).
Templates i.e. customize your Tweets
By specifying the
API parameter, you can customize the default post format for services that support templates. Specifying atemplate
is completely optional. The following services currently support templates:The Share API supports a few different tokens in a template — you can use all, some, or none of them:
Template Token Description ${title} Title of the page ${link} Link to the page ${short_link} Short link that you pass to the Share API ${notes} Any text; usually a very short summary of the link or user selected text Sample
for Twitter:...&template=Reading: ${title} (${short_link}) via @Shareaholic %23api %23devtools&...
Give it a try: Tweet this!
Tags (describe your content)
Use the optional
API parameter to further describe the content/URL being shared. Amongst many other benefits, you will get back more useful analytics tracking reports as a result.tags
takes a set of comma-separated values (CSV) with no trailing comma. Commas inside tag values MUST be URL encoded (as %2C) and commas separating tags MUST NOT be encoded. For example, the tags "python", "conference" and "Boston, MA" should be passed as:...&tags=python,conference,boston%2Cma&...
You can pass in as many tags as you'd like, but we've found 3-5 to be most optimal.
Destination Service Codes
Popular Services:
Service Service Code ID Facebook 5 Twitter 7 Pinterest 309 LinkedIn 88 Google Bookmarks 74 Google Mail 52 PrintFriendly 236 Yahoo! Mail 54 All Services:
Service Service Code ID AIM 50 Allvoices 63 Amazon (CA) Wish List 271 Amazon (DE) Wish List 272 Amazon (FR) Wish List 273 Amazon (JP) Wish List 274 Amazon (UK) Wish List 270 Amazon (US) Wish List 200 AOL Mail 55 Arto 194 Ask.com MyStuff 91 AttentionMeter 221 Backflip 97 Balatarin 241 Bebo 196 BibSonomy 25 Bit.ly 208 Bitty Browser 108 Blinklist 48 Blogger Post 219 BlogMarks 27 BobrDobr 266 Bookmarks.fr 35 Box.net 240 BuddyMarks 90 Buzzster 1 Care2 News 104 CiteULike 13 Clicky.me 248 Connotea 96 Current 80 DailyMe 237 Delicious 2 Design Float 106 Digg 3 Digg Bar 224 Diglog 72 diHITT 244 Diigo 24 Dwellicious 251 DZone 102 Email This 313 Evernote 191 Expression 186 Facebook 5 Fark 62 Faves 49 Favoriten 242 Feedmarker Bookmarks 69 Folkd 197 Followup.cc 235 FriendFeed 43 FunP 17 Furl 11 Gabbr 183 Global Grind 89 Google Apps Mail 260 Google Bookmarks 74 Google Mail 52 Google Plus +1 304 Google Sidewiki 275 Google Translate 252 Google Wave 262 Gravee 95 Hatena 246 HelloTxt 81 Hemidemi 16 HootSuite 261 Hotmail 53 Hub.tm 234 Hugg 71 Hyves 105 Identi.ca 205 Imera Brazil 65 Instapaper 18 Is.gd 228 iZeby 263 j.mp 249 Jamespot 64 Jumptags 14 Khabbr 31 Kledy 30 LinkaGoGo 67 Linkatopia 85 LinkedIn 88 LiveJournal 79 Ma.gnolia 23 Mail 201 Maple 93 Memori.ru 269 Mename 33 MindBodyGreen 68 Mister-Wong 6 Mixx 4 Moemesto 268 Mozillaca 231 MSDN 184 Multiply 42 MyLinkVault 98 MySpace 39 Netlog 8 Netvibes Share 195 Netvouz 21 NewsTrust 199 NewsVine 41 Ning 264 NowPublic 75 NUjij 238 Oknotizie 243 Oneview 84 Orkut 247 PhoneFavs 19 Pinboard.in 256 Ping 45 Pinterest 309 Plaxo Pulse 44 Plurk 218 Posterous 210 PrintFriendly 236 Propeller 77 Protopage Bookmarks 47 Pusha 59 Read It Later 239 ReadWriteWeb 250 Reddit 40 Segnalo 58 Shoutwire 12 Simpy 86 SiteJot 99 Slashdot 61 SmakNews 206 Soup.io 217 Sphere 107 Sphinn 100 SpringPad 265 Spurl 82 Squidoo 46 StartAid 29 Strands 190 Streakr 215 StumbleUpon 38 Stumpedia 192 Su.pr 232 Svejo 245 Symbaloo Feeds 103 Taggly 26 Tagza 187 Tailrank 28 Techmeme 204 TechNet 185 Technorati Favorites 10 Technotizie 36 TinyURL 223 Tipd 188 Tr.im 214 Truemors 203 Tumblr 78 Tweetie 226 Twiddla 66 Twine 216 Twitter 7 TypePad Post 220 unalog 70 Viadeo 92 VodPod 198 Webnews 57 Windows Live Favorites 37 Windows Live Spaces 15 Wink 22 Wists 94 WordPress 230 Xerpi 20 Yahoo Bookmarks 76 Yahoo Buzz 73 Yahoo Buzz India 254 Yahoo Messenger 87 Yahoo! Mail 54 Yammer 253 Yample 83 Yandex 267 YC Hacker News 202 YiGG 56 Yoolink 34 YouMob 60 Feedback
If you believe you have found a bug, or you’d like to request additional functionality, or you release something using this API, we’d love to hear from you.
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