Staffing Issues the CIO Needs to be Aware of

Overseeing staffing, a hat that many CIOs wear, may mean having to make
crucial decisions about hiring and policy, performance management and
discipline, and employee terminations.

Five employment law issues should be on the radar of CIOs who oversee the
staffing function.

  1. State and Local Wage and Hour Laws – Laws governing hours
    of work and payment of wages are a leading source of employee claims.
  2. Federal, State, and Local Leave Laws – Similarly,
    different states and cities may have medical leave and paid sick-time laws
    that differ significantly from what CIOs are familiar with under federal law
    or the law in the the company’s headquarters state.
  3. Independent Contractors – Claims by individual
    contractors alleging that they were misclassified and should have been treated
    as employees are now very common.
  4. Separation Agreements - Using a one-size-fits-all
    separation agreement may result in paying an employee severance pay and not
    getting an enforceable release of all legal claims in return.
  5. Using Contracts to Protect Business Info and Customer
    -  CIOs of growth companies may need to be
    responsible for evaluating whether the company is taking the steps to ensure
    that, if necessary, restrictive employee contracts will be enforced by courts
    to the greatest possible extent.

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