Accenture, global management and technology consulting firm, has announced the aquisition of Acceria, a company that specializes in providing business processes and methodologies dedicated to the after-sales operations of industrial companies. The companies did not disclose the terms of the agreement.

The acquisition includes Acceria's employees and assets which provide innovative business solutions intended to help companies improve and sustain after-sales performance. With this acquisition, Accenture aims to strenghten its operations on the automotive and industrial manufacturing market as well as its capabilities in management consulting.

Sergio Colella, managing director of Accenture’s Industrial Equipment group, said, "For successful after-sales operations in a competitive market environment, optimizing a company’s product and service portfolio and its pricing strategy is key. Acceria’s after-sales expertise, industrialized assets and innovative solutions can help automotive and industrial manufacturing companies improve after-sales revenues. This acquisition is designed to accelerate Accenture’s expansion into the automotive and industrial marketplace."

"We are excited to be combining our business with Accenture’s consulting expertise and global reach," said Laurent Boutboul, CEO of Acceria. "We are confident that together we will make a significant impact on the after-sales operations of companies in the automotive and industrial manufacturing sector, which should enable Accenture clients to set strategies that grow their businesses and allow for rapid return on investment."

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