The failed Times Square Car bomb shows that there is now a new class of
disaster that CIOs need to plan for.The infrastructure may be damaged,
communications may be lost, and the building may not be intact. That highlights
some things that a disaster plan needs to consider:

  • Have a communications plan that doesn’t require the use of cell phones or

  • Have an alternate form of communications if necessary to save lives or
    call for help. Your emergency coordinator should have at least one ham radio
    operator on staff, with a radio available - ham radio is often the only
    reliable means of emergency communications in a real crisis.

  • Define a central assembly point that’s located somewhere besides your
    office. Pick a place inland, within 50 miles or so, where you can set up a
    place for employees to check in.

  • Assume that some of your employees will not be able to make it
    to the assembly point and have a plan to have their jobs filled until their
    status is determined.

  • Validate your insurance carrier has you covered for such contingencies.

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