alt="Security Manual - Sarbanes-Oxley" vspace=3 align=right
longDesc="Security Manual Template - Sarbanes-Oxley">A Google representative
advises using unique passwords for every Web site. They suggest selecting a
phrase and using the first letter of every word in the phrase or some variation
of that as a password, ideally with special characters added in to make it more
secure. In addition:

  • Passwords should be a mixture of letters,
    numbers, and symbols to minimize the risk of dictionary attacks, by which
    cybercriminals use programs to try every word in a dictionary database as a
    potential password.

  • Using personal information as a password should
    be avoided because that information can often be found on social network
    profiles and aggregated from other online sources. Stay away from the names of
    pets or children, birthdays, phone numbers, addresses, or the like. They are
    too easy to guess.

  • Do not leave passwords on notes next to your

  • make sure that your password recovery
    information is up-to-date. After choosing a complex password, you may forget
    it, and you do not want the password reset e-mail going to an abandoned e-mail
    account or to someone who might exploit the opportunity to hijack your

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